If Sherlock Holmes ever had a mental breakdown
My dearest Watson, I think I have solved the puzzle. The problem here, doctor, is that I am not quite myself at the moment. I seem to have gone slightly crazy…well, crazier over the last few days, possible weeks. My brain has unfortunately and, dare I say it, quite inconveniently stopped giving out orders to my body and my otherwise capable self has now been rendered helpless and despairing. I’m afraid I’ve turned in to a nervous wreck constantly looking for 8 legged shadows in the corners and I seem to be spending most of my free time contemplating far more constructive ways of spending said time than to sit on my bed sighing and wishing for the world to either stop spinning altogether or myself to simply perish and disappear.
Well, this is at least what I think would happen if Sherlock Holmes ever had a mental breakdown like my latest one…or simply what I would say if I was Sherlock Holmes right now.
The bag I set out to pack 2 days ago is still sitting untouched in the cupboard and my room, that I set out to deep clean at the same time, might actually be a new living thing worthy of it’s own gross TV-show.
In short: I think I might just suffer from a slight depression and mental breakdown right now due to the fact that I am leaving in less then 3 weeks. But all considered I think my weird and twisted sense of humour might just get me through this. If not, well I dear say that Dr. Watson is gonna be in for the ride of his life!